Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daily Rant: When Bad Service Happens to Good People.

Why are Servers in Manhattan So Rude?

During dinner last evening, it occurred to me (for probably the millionth time) how poor the service is in New York City.  I mean, is it too much to ask that you bring food and beverages when we are either hungry or thirsty, or god forbid, both?   Isn’t this your JOB?  You’re a WAITER, defined as someone who “waits” on another person.  Not the other way around.  I should not have to WAIT on you and your sneaky disappearing acts for hours on end and pay your salary and tip to boot.  Adding insult to injury, you have attitude like no other wait staff in the country and possibly the world.  What gives?  I mean, if your life sucks so badly, why don’t you get off you’re you- know-what and do something about it instead of taking it out on poor, unsuspecting diners who frequent your establishment.  Take some initiative here, for the love of god, and stop this assault on the population.

Folks, if you happen to find yourself wondering what you did to deserve the inevitablly atrocious treatment you receive at NYC restaurants, the answers is undeniably: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Unsuspecting victims of the appalling service at restaurants and bars across Manhattan are claimed on a daily basis, possibly by the minute.  You are not alone.  When this happens to you again, and again, and again, just keep in mind that you are nothing more than one more casualty of the war being waged on the NYC population by angry, out of work actors and artists.  And then go to your happy place. 

The question now becomes this: why on earth did I still tip you?  Was it guilt that you might not be able to get your evening meal without my $10 tip?  Was I shamed into thinking that you deserve something more than nothing, even though you irritated me for hours on end?  What is it in our minds that stop us from walking out on the bill and leaving you in the lurch?  The answer is not entirely clear.  However, I believe it has to do with the fact that we, as people of conscience and compassion, believe that you might be possibly just “having a bad day”.  And, therefore, decide we will not punish you by leaving zero on the tip line and an angry note instead.   Because, hey, we’ve all had bad days, right?  WRONG.   I truly believe that a large portion of you members of the service industry are not simply having bad days, you’re having bad weeks, months, years and possibly lifetimes.   

My suggestion is this: do everyone a favor and get a CHANGE OF CAREER.  You need to get over yourselves because it’s time to turn this ship around.  Your unhappy existence really isn’t that bad.  We all have to deal with obnoxious people on a day to day basis and you are in no way unique in your suffering.   If you feel the need to impart your misery upon the world, one table at a time, it may be a good time to re-evaluate your line of work.

Members of the service industry of Manhattan, consider this your official wake-up call.  Citizens of this fine city are on the verge of a revolution, targeting, not Wall Street this time, but your horrendous excuse for manners.  So the next time you decide that it might be a good idea to leave your customers waiting for ages for even a napkin or some silverware, while their food slowly gets cold in front of them, followed by your inevitable outrage when you receive a less than 20% tip, remember this: WE DON’T HAVE TO TAKE THIS ABUSE MUCH LONGER.  And we won’t.  We did nothing to you, and do not deserve the wrath of your angry server population of haters.  It’s not funny anymore.  This is not a Seinfeld episode.  So, from this day forward, it no longer comes with the territory, it is no longer par for the course.  Because I, for one, am protesting by occupying my living Room, and ordering in.  If I can ever get my check to pay the brunch bill.  Check please!!!

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