Welcome to your fountain of youth. Not too proud for immaturity over here. Life's a journey, not a destination. So follow by example and follow mine. And OCCUPY THIS.
I know we started the whole debt crisis game back in 2008, but seriously, we don't want to play anymore. We thought you'd take the hint by giving you the cold shoulder for the last 6 months, but you're just not getting it. You're forcing me to put it bluntly, so apologies in advance. But, please stop the endless round robin of debt crises that keep assaulting stock and bond markets around the globe. You keep showing up, like a bad penny, and we're going to tell Mom if you keep doing it. Like, it was fun at first, like when we thought the world was coming to a screeching halt as capital dried up around the globe (good times were had by all, for sure!) but now it's seriously played out. Sooooo last year, and we're over it.
Your countries are vying for the limelight, we get it. First Greece, then Ireland, Portugal, now Spain and Italy. What started as a fun game of who's going to be next to put the global capital markets on hold while the ECB debates it's 25th round of bailouts? is for real, getting old. We're tired of this game and
want a new one. Since we started this game four years ago, we get to end it too. Starting now. Thumb wrestle instead? I'll start, one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war....
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