Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dogs vs. Men. Round Two. The Face-off Continues. Hunger Games, Musical Style.

An update on the epic battle between dog and men, vying for the position of "top dog" (pun intended).  The men haven't taken this challenge lying down.  They've put another point on the board with the following clip, championed by Henry Higgins.  Bringing back old school, musical style.

Current Score: Men:2, Dogs: 11

"Women are irrational that's all there is to that.  Their heads are full of cotton, hay and rags.  Why can't a woman be more like a man?  Men are so honest, so thoroughly square eternally noble, historically fair.  When we win we always give your back a pat.  Why can't a woman, be like that?  Why do they do everything their mother's do.  Why don't they grow up, well like their father instead?  One man in a million may shout a bit.  Now and then there's one with slight defects.  By and large, we are a marvelous sex.  Men are so friendly, good natured and kind, a better companion, you never will find.  Why can't a woman be like us?" 

However, women have quickly jumped into the ring, being that they had to defend themselves. They've cleverly staged a comeback, right back at ya.  So, they have that going for them, which is nice...

He's grown accustomed to her face.  She almost makes the day begin, he's grown accustomed to the tune she whispers nite and noon, Her smiles her frowns, her ups, her downs are second nature to him now.  Gown accustomed to her looks, accustomed to her voice, accustomed to her face...Will he take her back or throw the baggage out?   But he's so used to hear her say, good morning every day, her joys, her woes, her highs are lows, are second nature to him now, like breathing out and breathing in...he's grown accustomed to the traits, something in the air, accustomed to her face." 

The battle wages on, while the dogs sit this one out.  Further scoring updates will be provided accordingly.

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