Saturday, March 10, 2012

Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Did Warhol Really Shop at Bloomingdales? And What was his Beef with Pittsburgh?

Because he is depicted here in Union Square, the location of his famous studio, carrying a medium brown bag.  Well, in any case, I know where he probably DIDN'T shop: anywhere in Pittsburgh. As a matter of fact, even though he grew up there, apparently, he hated the place and shunned being associated with it. Come on, Andy...who doesn't love America's steel city???    Were you too good for it after making it bigtime in the Big Apple?  Not to mention that Pittsburgh has an entire museum with 5 or 6 floors dedicated to you and your life's work on it's North Shore.  So please, quit being a hater already, and never forget where you came from.  The motherland of black and gold in western Pennsylvania. 

Dance with the one that brought you, as they say...
And then repeat after me:
"Here we go we go"  Clap, clap.

A final very important step for attonement: listen to the following Steelers Superbowl fight song while waving a terrible towel, and we will be all good in the hood. 

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