Monday, March 12, 2012

Am Feeling Thankful for the Small Things Today...

Am feeling thankful for the small things today...
Such as girl scouts. It's their birthday today. The organization was founded on May 12th, 1912, which makes them 100 years old. (Lot's of 100 year birthdays happening recently)  I'm not sure where we'd all be without girl scouts but am pretty sure we'd be a few pounds lighter without our annual gorge on Samoas and Thin Mints. Guilty pleasure. Totally worth the extra calories.

Join me in celebrating with the following video of "happy birthday to me" by Cracker at the Rex Theater in Pittsburgh.  Some lyrics:  "I remember you, you drive like a PTA mother"  "I remember you, I crashed your wedding, and my favorite: "Sometimes, I wish I was Catholic, I don't know why..."

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