Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Amost Famous. Announcing America's Next Reality TV Star in the Making...

Tune in to TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress"  Coming soon to a cable TV station near you...
KP=Next Snookie.  Pittsburgh style.

Here she is now!  Doing something or other in forest?
Friend Kristin, soon to be starring in TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress", going to say yes next Saturday accompanied by yours truly!  Whoo-hoo!  Almost famous..Victory will soon be ours!

Made possible by Amy Zudnowski Roeder, best makeup artist in NY!  Making the magic happen that AM.  Accompanied by hair stylist friend, Levi, who apparently does Michael C Hall's hair.  

Empty star.  Soon to be filled.  New Jersey's out.  Pittsburgh in.
Here she is again. Obviously very excited.  So am I.
Virtual high fives all around!  Virtual round of drinks on me!
Just in time for my birthday.  Filming next Saturday, April 7th.  So stay tuned for the air date of this not-to-be-missed episode of the show.  Have a feeling it's gonna be epic.

Just goes to show that you can get famous in not only Des Moines, IA but also right here in NYC!  Will have to inform famous friend from Des Moines this evening over dinner that we are now joining the coveted club of stardom.

Must add this 80's classic to our karaoke lineup after dinner and bask in our new found: FAME!  We're gonna live forever!  Remember, remember, remember...

Look out Reality TV Land, you have no idea what's coming your way...

KP!  Her boots are made for walkin' too.
PS.  No one getting famous in DC anytime soon, but that's besides the point.  Score one for NY, one for Des Moines, but none for DC....Current tally: NY: 1, Des Moines: 1, DC: not one point on the fame scale.  Unless you're Sarah Palin.  Doesn't really count.

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