Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's on the Menu Tonight? Sacrificial Chickens.

For tonight's menu, we have crazy with a side of crazy.  For dessert, a wintery mix of insanity.  Because nobody keeps crazy in a corner when $540 megamillion is on the line. 
Megamillions calling.  Pick up the phone.
In keeping with the current lottery frenzy now sweeping the nation, I have now devised a shamanic ceremony capable of bringing about the luck and good fortune necessary for winning tommorrow's megamillions, and believe that an appropriate sacrifice to the megamillions gods is probably: sacrificial chickens.  Followed by sacrificial smores for dessert.  For an appetizer, possibly some dancing in circles and chanting while holding my growing collection of lottery tickets in hand.  Sound tempting?  Care to join me in this festival of prosperity I'm about to kick off right?  Hit me up.  The more the merrier!  If not, all I have to say is: Cheers and good luck to ya!  And may the best man, woman, or chicken win.

Joining the upper rust soon.

Ok, well, I'm off to purchase said sacrificial chickens, already dead of course.  Along with some broccoli, garlic, lemon, ginger, dry white wine, toilette paper, ugh.  So much work to not do, and so little time to not do it in....sigh.  When I win the lottery, will have people for this.  Feeding me grapes...fanning with palm fronds...but I digress.

Shake your money maker right here.  Megamillions will be mine.


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