Monday, April 23, 2012

THIS JUST IN: Friend Nick About To Go FAMOUS (Not Fishing)! Trader @ AllianceBernstein On CNBC on Thursday @ 3:00-5:00 EST Don't Miss IT!


Spreading the word with friends is new favorite pastime.  Trader friend will shortly appear on CNBC this coming Thursday from 3:00-5:00!  CNBC will be Occupying AllianceBernstein's trading floor, starring NICK the trader!  I'm going long Nick, short soul & taking the spread of cream cheese and smoked salmon.  Nice up.  So trade on, traders and trade around town.  Here we go with the newest trader hustle:

Look!  Here he is now!!  Two bad ass traders.  Trading up.  Trading around town.  Bros.  Trader style...

Buy buy bye, sell sell sell, buy sell buy sell buy sell bye!  I trade can too.
The Eon iCube
Maria Baritrimo's trading up too.  Cheers!  To Nick!  King of trading action.  Almost Famous!!!  So don't miss it!!!

Here he is again!  He's got his rally beard.  Do you?  Get your own beard.  Trading beards for balls in the air, for rizzle.


Note to Self: MUST welcome Nick into fame club Thursday night, in style.  Gonna roll out the red carpet, man.  Really paint the town red!  We hope you enjoy your stay.  Going to go long The Beagle, short sex in the city and take the spread of...Doggie style?  LOL.  Yep, just went there.  Cracking myself up is also new fav pastime too.  FYI.  And you can thank me later bro.  Another note to self: stop making notes to self for the love of god it's getting old.  End Note.

  Friends LIKE friends.  Trader style.  It's the new style.  HOT!  

Like it all why don't ya?  Like a Rolling Stone, that is...

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